1 | HK0575 | 励晶太平洋 | James Mellon |
2 | HK0576 | 浙江沪杭甬 | 浙江省交通投资集团有限公司,JP Morgan Chase & Co.,BlackRock, Inc.,The Bank of New York Mellon |
3 | HK0591 | 中国高精密 | 黄训松,Capital Research and Management Company,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation,Fortune Plus Holdings Limited |
4 | HK0916 | 龙源电力 | 国家能源投资集团有限责任公司,Wellington Management Group LLP,JP Morgan Chase & Co.,全国社会保障基金理事会,BlackRock, Inc.,T. Rowe Price Associates, Inc. and its Affiliates,The Bank of New York Mellon,国电东北电力有限公司 |
5 | HK1186 | 中国铁建 | BlackRock, Inc.,全国社会保障基金理事会,JPMorgan Chase & Co.,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation |
6 | HK1288 | 农业银行 | Qatar Holding LLC,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation,BlackRock, Inc.,The Capital Group Companies, Inc.,QSMA1 LLC |
7 | HK1299 | 友邦保险 | JPMorgan Chase & Co.,The Capital Group Companies, Inc.,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation,Citigroup Inc.,BlackRock , Inc. |
8 | HK1800 | 中国交通建设 | Merrill Lynch Far East Limited,BlackRock, Inc.,JPMorgan Chase & Co.,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation |
9 | HK1818 | 招金矿业 | 山东招金集团有限公司,上海豫园旅游商城股份有限公司,Schroders Plc,The Bank of New York Mellon,BlackRock, Inc.,VanEck Vectors ETF - VanEck Vectors Junior Gold Miners ETF,招金有色矿业有限公司,Deutsche Bank Aktiengesellschaft,山东招金集团有限公司,上海老庙黄金有限公司 |
10 | HK2698 | 魏桥纺织 | 山东魏桥创业集团有限公司,Brandes Investment Partners, L.P.,Mellon Financial Corporation |
11 | HK2722 | 重庆机电 | 重庆机电控股(集团)公司,重庆渝富资产经营管理集团有限公司,重庆建工集团股份有限公司,中国华融资产管理股份有限公司,The Bank of New York Mellon,GE Asset Management Incorporated,重庆机电控股(集团)公司 |
12 | HK2899 | 紫金矿业 | BlackRock, Inc.,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation,VanEck Vectors ETF - VanEck Vectors Gold Miners ETF |
13 | HK6030 | 中信证券 | GIC Private Limited,BlackRock, Inc.,全国社会保障基金理事会,Citigroup Inc.,The Bank of New York Mellon Corporation |
14 | HK6865 | 福莱特玻璃 | Pacific Asset Management Co., Ltd.,上海宁泉资产管理有限公司,Shanghai Greenwoods Asset Management Company Limited,张文芳,UBS Group AG,CICC Pucheng Investment Co., Ltd.,The Bank of New York Mellon,China International Capital Corporation Limited |